About Us

About FootySamba.com


  • Dive into the heart of football with FootySamba.com — your premier destination for insightful football news and expert commentary. Our lens is trained on the globe’s most celebrated leagues, ensuring you’re up-to-date with the most riveting match events, latest transfers, and delightful football trivia.
  • Engage with us beyond the site; our stories and insights are just a click away on Facebook and Twitter. At FootySamba, we pride ourselves on presenting football narratives with a distinctive twist. Your thoughts and feedback are invaluable to us, helping shape our voice and perspective.
  • The images featured on this site are proudly sponsored by Imago Images Imago Images, whose services are highly recommended.
  • FootySamba.com is a proud venture of E.D Marketing Agency. For inquiries or to share your thoughts, please email us at eyaldorf@e-d-agency.com.


Meet the team

Alex Dudly

Alex Dudly

Content|Bundesliga and Serie A

Alex is a fanatic football fan, and that translates into the passion of his work. He has traveled the world attending major sporting events, including the EUROs and Champions League. His love for writing saw him achieve a Bachelors’s Degree in Journalism at Anglia Ruskin University and now writes about the sports nearest to his heart for a variety of websites.

John Rogers

John Rogers


John Rogers is a freelance writer and lifelong football fan, so much so that he is a director and club secretary of an English Non-League Club. While his writing career has encompassed a range of diverse topics, nothing makes him happier than writing about his first love, the beautiful game.

Matt Biggin

Matt Biggin

Content Writer|

Matt is a twin dad and Divock Origi enthusiast who has been obsessed with football his entire life. In addition to following all levels of the English football pyramid, he also holds a keen interest in European football, namely Serie A, the Bundesliga, and La Liga. Matt loves to watch, write, and talk about all things football-related.

Eyal Dorfman

Eyal Dorfman


Meet Eyal, the CEO of E.D Marketing agency, a seasoned digital marketing and SEO expert with over seven years of experience in the field. His passion for helping businesses reach their full potential has led him to achieve impressive results for clients over the years.

Today, Eyal’s focus is primarily on his own project, FootySamba, which combines his love for football with his exceptional writing skills. With his extensive knowledge of the beautiful game, Eyal is committed to producing high-quality content that informs and entertains readers.

His dedication to excellence and professionalism are evident in every aspect of his work, and he is always looking for new ways to innovate and improve. Whether he is crafting compelling marketing strategies or writing insightful articles about the latest football news, Eyal brings his A-game every time.

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